What does accredited program mean?
- Accreditation establishes the level of quality according to which the quality of educational program is assessed. Based on the program accreditation, the state scholarships and the state master scholarships (on higher educational programs) are issued, and in case of regulatory programs (e.g. medicine, law), the university is granted with the right to implement this type of educational program.
When and how can I go through administrative registration and can I register after the deadline?
- After obtaining student status, a student shall go through administrative registration, which means submitting essential documents and registration in the electronic database of the learning process management within the deadline. At the beginning of each term, a student shall go through academic registration and select courses of study by means of the electronic database of learning process management before the term begins. Within a week after the start of learning process, the student is authorized to apply to the university in order to make changes in the courses he/she selected. For this purpose, you shall make a written statement to the rector and attach all the mandatory documents. Upon expiration of the administrative registration, the student is authorized to pass the administrative registration, however, only on those courses that are open in the current term.
What is a syllabus?
- Syllabus is a program in a course of study that provides information on the goals of the course, learning outcomes, credits, content, teaching and learning methods and assessment criteria.
What is a credit?
- A credit is a point that expresses essential study load for students and can be obtained after a student’s academic achievement.
How many credits can I choose during an academic year?
- An academic year consists of several terms including the break, and does not exceed 12 continuous calendar months. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of an educational program and / or individual educational programs of European University, student's annual study load can exceed 60 credits or be less. The annual study load of a student shall not exceed 75 (ECTS) credits.
How many points are there in the assessment criteria?
- Maximum assessment of the course equals 100 points.
- Evaluation system allows:
A) Five types of positive assessment:
a.a) (A) Excellent - 91-100 points of the evaluation;
a.b) (B) Very good - 81-90 points from maximum marks;
a.c) (C) Good - 71-80 points from maximum marks;
a.d) (D) Satisfactory - 61-70 points from maximum marks;
a.e) (E) Sufficient - 51-60 points from maximum marks.
B) Two types of negative assessment:
b.a) (FX) Could not pass - 41-50 points from maximum marks, which means that a student needs harder work to pass and is given an additional attempt with independent work;
b.b) (F) Fail- 40 points and less from maximum marks, which means performance of a student is not sufficient and he/she has to learn the subject from the beginning.
- The student, who collects no less than 51 points by summarizing the marks obtained by overstepping the minimal margin of intermediate evaluation/s and final examination, is entitled to take a final exam. A student can take an additional exam of the final examination if he/she collects 41-50 points from maximum marks which means the student needs to work harder to pass and is granted one additional attempt with independent work;
In case of getting FX in the educational program component, the higher educational institution shall appoint an additional examination within 5 days after the results of the final exam is announced. The obligation does not apply to the master's degree project / work. The number of points a student obtains in the final assessment is not added to those on additional examination. Assessment of the additional examination is concluding thus will be reflected in the final assessment of the educational program component. According to the result in the additional examination, assessment of a student is F-0 point if he/she obtains 0-50 points in the final evaluation of the educational component.
Forms of assessment are as follows: Intermediate assessment and final assessment. Positive assessment of a student is defined through summarizing the marks obtained by crossing the minimum level of intermediate evaluation and final examination, which shall equal to 51 points or more. European University sets minimum and maximum margin for intermediate assessment from 30% to 50%, and 30% -50% + 1 point in case of final examination. The margin of minimum competence is determined in each educational program. Assessment components, methods and criteria are specified in the syllabus of each course of study.
In what case does a student have the right to reschedule an intermediate or final examination?
- In case of excusable reason, a student shall apply to the faculty. If the sudent is ill, the application shall be submitted with relevant document.
How to get a scholarship of European University?
- Getting a scholarship is possible after completing each term for which assessment of a student in the current term of each course shall consist of (A) Excelent -91-100 points; If a student takes an additional examination, he/she loses the chanse to get a scholarship.
What happens if tuition fee is not paid on time?
- If tuition fee is not paid within the agreed time, a student can be suspended from his/her studies. Academic results (obtained assessment) during this period won’t be reflected in the sheet.
Will I be charged with any additional payment to resit an exam?
- A student does not have to pay for additional exam.
- In case of getting 41-50 points of maximum evaluation which means (FX) - Could not pass, a student is entitled to take an additional exam once.
What is a pre-requisite?
- Pre-requisite is precondition to attend the course.
In what case is the subject considered failed?
- Positive assessment of a student is defined through summarizing the marks obtained by crossing the minimum level of intermediate evaluation and final examination, which shall be equal to 51 points or more, otherwise the subject is considered failed.
What are reasons for student status suspension?
- Personal statement (without indicating the reason).
- Studying in a higher educational institution in a foreign country, except for studying within exchange educational programs.
- Pregnancy, childbirth, child care, or deterioration of health condition.
- Violation of financial liabilities (non-payment of tuition fees) embodied in the educational service agreement between a student and European University.
- Not going through administrative and/or academic registration.
Suspension of sudent status means to reliave a student and the university of responsibilities without terminating the student status. While the student status is suspended, the agreement on educational services between a student and university is suspended as well; within this period of time, the university and the student are exempted from performing mutual rights and duties, except for those arisen before suspension of status.
What is the diffenernce between suspension and termination of student status?
- Within 5 years from suspension of student status, a student is entitled to apply to the university and restore the status. While the student status is suspended, the agreement on educational services between a student and university is suspended as well; within this period of time, the university and the student are exempted from performing mutual rights and duties, except for those arisen before suspension of status.
12 months after termination of student status, earning it again is possible through the rule set by the legislation, by passing the unified national examination or based on an order of the minister of Education and Science of Georgia for nationals of foreign countries.
In what case and timeframe can I restore my student status?
- The student with suspended status is entitled to restore the student status on the basis of his/her personal statement or/and in case of eliminating the ground for status suspension. Restoration of student status occurs after eliminating the circumstance leading up to status suspension.
Does a student have his/her tuition fee maintained after suspension of student status?
- A student has his/her tuition fee maintained for the next academic term/year only if the student has applied to the university no later than one week after an academic year begins.
Who can finance my studies?
- The state education grant on foreign nationals will be issued in accordance with the state program of issuing a state education grant on a foreign citizen approved by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia. The above mentioned regulation is accepted each year defining annual volumes and amounts of the state education grant and program financing for the relevant academic year.