Quality Assurance

Administration of Quality Assurance Service

Sofio Khundadze - Vice-rector for Quality Enhancement

  • skhundadze@eu.edu.ge
  • 2 000 171 (103)

Nino Gatchava - Head of Quality Assurance Service

Elene Chokuri - Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Law, Education, Business
and Technology

  • elene.chokuri@eu.edu.ge
  • 2 000 171 (146)

Mariam Silagava - Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Medicine

  • mariam.silagava@eu.edu.ge
  • 2 000 171 (143)

Quality management is a daily part of the activities of European University and the responsibility of all persons involved in the process. The quality of university activities stems from the competence, responsibility and ethical behavior of members of the university community.

At European University, the main values and approaches to quality assurance are: transparency, publicity, objectivity, reliability, continuity and validity.

A quality assurance system operates on the principle: plan, implement, evaluate, develop. In accordance with this principle, the functioning of the system is ensured through the quality assurance mechanisms developed at European University.

Quality assurance mechanisms include continuous evaluation and development of university activities and resources in order to maintain and improve quality.

In order to achieve the set goals, the Quality Assurance Service cooperates with all structural units / officials of the University, academic and invited staff, students, employers and other stakeholders.

Quality assurance mechanisms include internal and external quality assessment.

The university's internal quality assurance mechanisms cover all key aspects of the university's activities and are divided into three main areas: teaching-learning and service, research and management:



The Quality Assurance Service in its activities is guided by the document "Quality Assurance Mechanisms and Procedures for Using Qualification Results", which summarizes the internal and external quality assessment processes, describes what additional documentation it relies on within the Quality Assurance Mechanisms, as well as, describes what tools are used to evaluate the process and how evaluation results are used to refine and improve processes and results.