International Projects
The project "InnovaVet: Development of Veterinary Education Programs" is the project funded in the frames of the second call for proposals of the “Georgia I2Q – Innovation, Inclusion and Quality” program run by the Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) (Project number: MES-CIF-2-37). The goal of the project is to improve and enhance integrated master's programs in veterinary medicine implemented by two higher education institutions of Georgia (Georgia Technical University, European University) and, thus, to prepare and offer a workforce corresponding to the new modern requirements of the labour market, which will lead to the promotion of the development of the veterinary field in the state.
The main objective of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet module “European Union Enlargement: Past Lessons for Future Decisions” (EnlargEU, 101127859) is to raise the awareness of the Georgian youth and young academics about the EU’s enlargement policies, dynamics, and enlargement negotiation procedures from political, economic and legal perspectives through teaching, policy discussions and practical workshops. The main activities include the development of a course syllabus on the “History of EU Enlargement: Policies and Politics”, which will be integrated into the International Relations program at European University, as well as planning and organizing three summer schools that the Module team is committed to hold during the lifespan of the project. The project is co-funded by the EC and has a duration of three years.
More information will be available as the project progresses.
“Enhancement of Special Oral Healthcare Practice and Lifelong Learning among Dental Practitioners in Georgia” (HEAL, 101129331) is an Erasmus+ CBHE Strand 1 project funded by the EC and coordinated by European University. The project foresees the cooperation of three international and three national partner universities: Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland), Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey), Medical University-Sofia (Bulgaria), Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia), Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia), Akaki Tsereteli State University (Georgia). The main goal of the project is to contribute to shaping and enhancing oral health workforce by upgrading/modernizing the curricula of dental medicine programmes at Georgian HEIs and equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide high quality dental care and service to patients with disabilities, as well as healthy patients in Georgia.
For more information about the project, please visit the link.
“Advancing European Values and Standards in Georgian Schools” (620893-EPP-1-2020-1-GE-EPPJMO-PROJECT), shortly EU-GS, is the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project (2020-2022) co-funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by European University, Tbilisi, Georgia. EU-GS has had as its ambition to support Georgia on its way to meeting the obligations under the EU-Georgia Association Agreement with respect to the objective of Europeanizing the Georgian secondary education system. The project lasted for 18 months and covered 47 public schools in 23 cities of 10 regions of Georgia, as well as the Georgian capital – Tbilisi.
A Policy Paper with recommendations was published based on the findings of the desk and field research conducted within the project, building on which a Methodological Manual for school teachers and principals was subsequently developed. Policy Paper gives an overview of the Georgian context vis-à-vis the selected EU member states, reviews relevant state policies and provides recommendations towards more effective and efficient teaching and learning models aimed at overcoming the obstacles that public schools face in their Europeanization and modernization endeavor.
The Methodological Manual offers school principals and teachers a methodology consisting of theoretical and practical material on teaching and, in general, advancing in school life those European values and standards that, according to the research results, have proved particularly problematic. Series of training for beneficiary public school principals and teachers were held around Georgia to facilitate the reflection of these values and standards in the teaching methodology and their integration into the study processes. Training contents were later adapted and presented in the form of hybrid or online seminars to the school pupils of all the beneficiary schools and beyond.
Public Discussion series that followed, resulted in the project research team developing additional policy recommendations in the form of information graphs that reflected the feedback received from the stakeholders. In order to ensure the sustainability of the project results in the long run, European University provided sub-grants for school initiatives aimed at promoting European Union and European values. What is more, European University has integrated the training materials created within the project into the curriculum of the Teachers Training Program it is executing.
All the major events were livestreamed via the European University YouTube channel to reach target audiences beyond those physically present and the EU GS mobile application created under the project was used to send push-up notifications and keep the users constantly updated. Tripartite Consultation Group consisting of the project implementation team, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Education and the public schools’ principals would occasionally meet to make strategic decisions, evaluate the progress and ensure greater coordination between each other.
Various research, training, result dissemination and public engagement activities implemented within the frame of the project have ensured the visibility of the European Union as of an actor, which is positively contributing to the advancement of the democratic values and high [European] standards in the schools of Georgia, and to the overall progress of the Georgian education system performance.
Project description, executive team’s bios, news and events, publications, media (press, tv reports, livestreams), as well as the photo and video gallery can be found at the webpage
The EU co-funded Jean Monnet module „Europeanization as an Instrument for Democratization of Georgia” (620916-EPP-1-2020-1-GE-EPPJMO-MODULE) implied organizing three winter schools with the aim of enhancing the knowledge about the EU-led Europeanization and Democratization processes in the context of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement. The module consisted of three main groups of activities:
1. Winter Schools
Participants of the Winter School received information in the interactive mode from the professors of the European University about the Europeanization and democratization of Georgia, the thematic issues envisaged by the Association Agreement, the European challenges of Georgia's European foreign and regional policy and Europeanization. Legislative and executive high-ranking officials, diplomats accredited in Georgia and distinguished practicing specialists in the field were also involved in the process.
2. Publishing Research Paper
The module academic team prepared and published a study with the following research question: Why and how is Europeanization an instrument of democratization in Georgia? European University held a public presentation on the results of this research.
3. Holding Public Discussions
European University held public discussions with the participation of students, academic staff, and country decision-makers. The 2021 discussions focused on the political aspects of the Association Agreement, the 2022 discussions were dedicated to sectoral parts, and the 2023 ones - to Georgia's foreign and regional policy and relations.
Project documents:
Jean Monnet-Winter School-Agenda-2022_.pdf
Jean Monnet-Winter School-Brochure- 2021.pdf
Jean Monnet-Winter School-Brochure-2021.pdf
Jean Monnet-Winter School Participant-Nino Tsabutashvili-Blog.pdf
Development of Veterinary Faculties at Georgian HEIs to Create a New Pool of Young Veterinary Professionals in Georgia (VETPRO, ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND 1-101082479) is a CBHE Project funded by the EC and coordinated by the European University. The project aims at developing the field of veterinary medicine in Georgia and its main objectives are as follows: (1) Development of veterinary faculties and improvement of teaching quality in accordance with EU standards; (2) Supporting veterinary continuing education by means of online open access courses; (3) Supporting socio-economic sector by establishing connections between higher educational institutions and wider community. For the purpose of achieving these goals, the VETPRO project encompasses activities such as: expanding collaboration with and between the existing veterinary laboratories/clinics in Georgia and EU countries; training professors in accordance with the European Union requirements and standards; establishing partnerships between higher education institutions, private and public sectors, etc.
The project is of an international character and foresees the cooperation of both foreign and local universities under the leadership of the European University. More precisely, the international project consortium consists of 5 universities from 3 different countries. These are European University (Georgia); Samtskhe-Javakheti State University (Georgia); Shota Meskhia State Teaching University of Zugdidi (Georgia); Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia); Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia).
For more information, please visit the following page.