Medical Research Institute

Medical Research Institute of European University was founded in 2020 on the basis of, National Center for Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (NCTBLD). Director of the institute Prof.MD. Zaza Avaliani.

Goal of the Institute:

The goal of the Medical Research Institute is to carry out research activities in order to promote the development of educational programs at the faculty level. 

Main Aims of the Medical Research Institute are: 

A) To organize scientific-research activities based on up-to-date evidence in order to promote medical research; 

B)  To Apply for the scientific-research grants in the relevant fields; 

C) Cooperate with local, international and regional organizations, including Research Institutes and Universities in the field of scientific research; 

D) Dissemination of the scientific findings 

E) To participate and support organization of local and  international conferences, seminars, symposia; 

F)  Issue of a scientific Journal

G) Periodic evaluation of the scientific-research potential within the Institute, identification of the required research directions and determination of the research priorities, based on the mission and strategy of the University; 

H) Periodic submission of reports on scientific-research activities carried out within the Institute to the Scientific-Research Supporting Center  and other relevant structural units;   

I) To evaluate other possibilities  in accordance with the goals and objectives of the institution.

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