The academic personnel of European University embarked on a professional visit to Utenos Kolegija Higher Education Institution

Professor Tsisana Giorgadze, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at European University, and Professor Nino Tebidze from the Faculty of Dentistry participated in the "Erasmus+" international week held at Utenos Kolegija Higher Education Institution in Lithuania.

The international week took place from April 15–19, 2024, and featured a range of activities.

The professors engaged in the workshops "Connecting Bridges: R&D, Higher Education, and Society. Impact on Regional Development," attended the 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference "Evidence-based Practice: From Health to Social Well-Being," and delivered public lectures.

Throughout the week, Professor Tsisana Giorgadze delivered a lecture titled "Molecular Level of the Human Body," and Professor Nino Tebidze presented a lecture on "Prophylaxis of Caries."

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