Registrations are now open for membership in the New Learning Club "Innovative STEAM Education" of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators

Starting in 2024, the European University in the partnership with STEPS is supporting European Training Foundation in the development of ETF Community of Innovative Educators

ETF Community of Innovative Educators is founded by the European Training Foundation with the aim to foster the promotion, discussion and adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices among teachers, trainers and other education professionals, with the mission to empower innovative educators to help each another innovate. 

Since its establishment the community has attracted more than 1300 members (mainly educators and practitioners from the ETF Partner Countries). If you are not a member of the Community, you can go to the community page and click the "JOIN" button. 

In 2024 the Community starts a new initiative: New Learning Clubs, which are groups of educators, managers and experts from different countries who work on a specific theme related to learning innovation for a defined period of time. Within the Clubs, participants share their practices and discuss how to improve their teaching approaches learning from each other.

The New Learning Clubs are open to all members of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators who are willing to share their practice and engage in collaborative discussions. At the end of its lifecycle, each club will produce an output (a joint curriculum, a video, a report, guidelines, blog posts, etc.), that will be presented to the whole Community through an open webinar. All participating members will receive Pioneers Open Badges by ETF.

You can find more information here: 

The theme of the first club is “Innovative STEAM teaching”, which will be led by Community Ambassadors: Medea Abramishvili and Merab Labadze from Georgia supported by ETF team (content experts) and STEPS (facilitaton and monitoring). 

Participating is free of charge and you just have to fill in the form to join the club here. Please note that the activities of the Club will start in April.

We remain at your disposal for more information: ; & Community LinkedIN


Hello World!