Fabio Nascimbeni will be the keynote speaker at the III International Conference of Education, Technology and Innovation

The keynote speaker at the III International Conference of Education, Technology and Innovation will be  Human Capital Development Expert at the European Training Foundation (ETF), Fabio Nascimbeni. He mainly focuses on digitalisation and learning innovations.

Fabio Nascimbeni, will address the topic: “Fostering inclusive and effective digital education policy making in Europe and beyond:.

The European University organizes the International Conference of Education, Technology, and Innovation in cooperation with Kutaisi University.

Fabio Nascimbeni has been active in the field of learning innovation and digital education for 25 years, working with organizations such as the European Commission, the ILO and UNICEF.

He has designed and coordinated more than 50 research and innovation projects across Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the South Mediterranean and South East Asia. His main research interests are open education, digital literacy, and digital inclusion. He is a Senior Fellow of the European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN) and a Fellow of the CEST center of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and of the Nexa Centre of the Politecnico di Torino in Italy.

About the conference: https://iceti.eu.edu.ge/en/

Conference date: December 15, 2023 (Online)

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