Acceptance of abstracts at the 15th student scientific conference of the Faculty of Medicine has begun

The 15th Students' Scientific Conference at the Faculty of Medicine of the European University will be held on December 18, 2023.

To participate in the conference, students must submit an abstract of 400 to 500 words.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: December 10

One abstract can be presented/submitted by a maximum of 2 students.

All materials should be sent by mail:

In the subject please write: Student Conference 2023

There will be two working meetings to assist students with their abstract preparation:

  • Workshop How to plan scientific researchNovember 20, 2023
  • Workshop How to prepare conference materials– December 4, 2023

For more details please read the conference guide.

In case of any questions please contact by Email:

Wish you success!

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