Professor of the European University Maia Bliadze will be the keynote speaker at the III International Conference on Education, Technology and Innovation

We are excited to announce the first keynote speaker for the III International Conference on Education, Technology, and Innovation 2023. 

Maia Bliadze, Professor at the European University, Expert/Consultant of Geography and Sustainable Development at the National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Ph.D. in Geography will share her ideas on the role of education for sustainability in her speech "Education for Sustainability Development Goals".

The European University organizes the International Conference on Education, Technology, and Innovation in cooperation with Kutaisi University.

The aim of the conference is to offer education professionals, researchers, experts and policymakers a common platform, where they can share their ideas and best practices in teaching and learning and, thus, contribute to the improvement and development of existing teaching and learning strategies at both school and higher education levels.

To register as a presenter, please submit an abstract before November 20, 2023.

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Conference date: December 15, 2023

About the conference:


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