The result of the joint essay competition of the European University and the Embassy of France in Georgia is known

The result of the joint essay competition of the European University and the Embassy of France in Georgia is known.

The competition on the topic "European Future of Georgia" was held within the framework of "Europe Days 2021" and it was attended by 11th-12th grade students from both private and public, general education schools. 

The competition aimed to popularize European values ​​and raise awareness among students about the European integration process, the importance of Georgia's rapprochement with the European family, and the understanding of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law as European values.

75% of the participants in the competition successfully crossed the 21-point threshold and advanced to the second stage. The winners were revealed with the involvement of a specially invited commission: Khatia Balkhamishvili (Kaspi Public School # 2), Elena Petrosyan (Damali Public School of Aspindza Municipality), Nino Khidasheli (Tbilisi Public School # 191), Irakli Ketiladze ( Tbilisi, 72nd Public School), Anano Japaridze (St. Ilarion Georgian Orthodox School Gymnasium in Mestia).

It is noteworthy that during the essay competition, it was announced that the winners would be symbolically revealed on May 9, "Europe Day" and their awards would be held in a solemn atmosphere, although the process was delayed due to the created pandemic twists.

European University will hold an award ceremony with the Embassy of France, which will soon be announced to the contestants.

May 9 has been marked as "Europe Day" since 1950 when French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman put forward the idea of ​​European integration in Paris and created the European Coal and Steel Community, which later became the European Union and today unites 27 countries.

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