The annual 6th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine was held at the European University On June 3, 2019
The annual 6th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine was held at the European University On June 3, 2019.
The conference was opened by the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - Natia Jojua. Head of Center Promotion for Scientific Research Activities Lolita Shengelia welcomed the students, represented Members of Conference Committee and explained rules of Conference.
It should be noted that scientific works presented at the Conference were covering diverse fields of medicine and had been prepared according to scientific standards.
All participants of the conference were awarded with certificates.
The following students have been chosen as the authors of the best research papers:
- Alikya Chipurupalli;
- Yameen khan;
- Shweta Tilante;
- Mohammed Qumar Naick;
- Rohit Rathore;
- Sarabu Venkata Naga Meghana;
- Sonu Vatsa;
- Mrigakshika Sharma.
The students will take part in the fifth International Student Conference of European University which will be held at Hotel Bazaleti on June 15, 2019.
The best presenters will be awarded.