A call has been announced for students of the "European University" Faculty of Business and Technology within the framework of Erasmus+ short-term mobility

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program activity, a call has been announced for the students of the Bachelor's program of Business Administration, Tourism and Informatics of European University to implement a fully funded one-week training-type mobility at the PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Hasselt, Belgium).

The training includes a series of lectures on artificial intelligence. As part of the training, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about how machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) are changing the way we communicate and learn.

The program includes both lectures and interactive seminars, field trips and cultural events.

The mobility dates are November 24-30, which includes 5 days for activities and 2 days for travel.

Number of vacant places: 10

Total amount of scholarship: 1083 (includes daily stipend - 79 EUR for 7 days, travel stipend - 530 EUR for round trip)

Students who meet the following prerequisites can participate in the competition:

a) During the competition period, the candidate must be enrolled in the bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Business and Technology of the European University and enjoy the status of an active student.

b) Candidate must have language competence in English, which will be tested during the interview stage.

The selection stage includes an interview in English with a commission composed of the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Technology, the Head of the Program of Business Administration and Informatics and the representative of the International Office.

The interview will be held on October 21; Candidates will receive information about the details through the personal e-mail of the European University.

The interview committee will test student’s motivation and language skills.

Those who wish to participate, please fill out the registration form by 18:00 on October 17: https://forms.gle/imk9PfKuaxEApTGd6

In the registration form, the interested candidate must submit the electronic version of the ID card/passport, CV and, if applicable, the English language proficiency certificate.