Ramaz Kurashvili becomes affiliated professor of European University, will head Endocrinology Department

Professor Ramaz Kurashvili will head the Endocrinology Department at European University, after setting up several new departments at the faculty of medicines in the higher education facility. 

Kurashvili has become an affiliated professor of European University and he will chair the scientific-research work in the direction of endocrinology, conducting international scientific conferences, panel discussions and others. 

He is a founder of the Center for Diabetes, Endocrine and Cardiopulmonary Diseases and the founder and director of the National Diabetes Research Center.

Kurashvili served as the head of the Scientific Research Institute of Therapy between 1965-1977.

He was the head of the Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology, Center of Radioimmunology, and the head of the Department of Metabolism Regulation in 1977-1987.

Between 1987-2011 Kurashvili occupied the position of the Director General of the Republican Medical Diagnostic Center. 
The health professional had been qualified at the National Heart and Lung Center, USA, Institutes of Endocrinology and Cardiology; at the Institute of Physicians, Moscow.

He was awarded the Honorary Order of Georgia; the certificate of honour of the Italian Association of Doctors. Kurashvili In 2015  received the status of Ambassador of Peace and in 2019 the title of Doctor of the Century, while in 2020 he was awarded a media star for his contribution to the development of medicine, and in 2021 he became an honorary citizen of Tbilisi.

Kurashvili is a member of international organizations - IDF, EASD, AACE, ESA, ESC, NeuroDiab, DESG / EASD; Member of D-Foot International/IWGDF, EASD. 

He is also a member of the Society of Endocrinologists and Cardiologists of Georgia, Society of Hypertension, Medical Society of Georgia, Society of Post-Diploma Education, an Honorary President of the Association of Doctors of Georgia and a Healthcare expert in endocrinology. 
Kurashvili has participated in the work of international, European and Asian forums for years and has been many times invited to give presentations at international and European congresses.

He participates in a number of conferences as a chairman, speaker and organizer.

Kurashvili has been the head of dozens of scientific works. A number of works, studies and articles associated with his name have been published in prestigious foreign and domestic magazines over the years.

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