International Relations News

A fully funded Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Call Has Been Announced for the Administrative and Academic staff of European University

As part of the Erasmus+ international credit mobility program, a competition has been announced to select administrative and academic staff from the European University.

General information on Erasmus+ Program can be accesses through this link.

Selection procedure and administration of the mobility for Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Program is regulated by the internal Rule on Participation in the International Mobility Program, which is available on this link.

To be eligible to participate in the contest, one has to comply with the criteria listed below:

  • Staff members holding academic positions at the university with an annual grade point average higher than 4.0, as well as any administrative employee, are eligible.

Applications can be submitted to the following universities:

Information regarding the educational level, field, courses, and stipend details for each university is available in the info brochure. Please, by clicking on the relevant link, visit the brochures and carefully read the information.

Alberta College (Latvia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Law; Informatics.
  • Mobility for Training: Public Relations and Marketing Office; Strategic Development

ASPIRA University of Applied Sciences (Croatia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Tourism
  • Mobility for Training:  International Student Recruitment and Admission Office

Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Economics

Comenius University (Slovakia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Law

EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Law; Education
  • Mobility for Training:  Faculty staff and relevant QA managers (Business and Technology; Law, Social Sciences and Humanities); Research Support Office

GBSB Global Business School (Malta)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration
  • Mobility for Training:  Faculty staff and relevant QA managers (Business and Technology)

Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Public Relations and Marketing Office
  • Mobility for Training:  Faculty staff and relevant QA managers (Business and Technology)

Međimurje University of Applied Sciences in Čakovec (Croatia)đimurje-University-of-Applied-Sciences-in-Čakovec.pdf

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Tourism; Informatics

New University Slovenia (Slovenia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration; Law
  • Mobility for Training:  Library; Public Relations and Marketing Office; Student and Alumni Service Center

Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Mobility Type and the relevant Office/Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: History; Archaeology
  • Mobility for Training: Faculty staff and relevant QA managers (Law, Social Sciences and Humanities)

Riga Medical College (Latvia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Medicine (Emergency care)


Mobility Type and the relevant Program

University of Huelva (Spain)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia)

Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Business Administration and Economics

University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara (Italy)

 Mobility Type and the relevant Program

  • Mobility for Teaching: Faculty of Medicine

Interested personnel, should fill out the electronic application form:

Application is only filled out once and staff member is allowed to apply for up to three universities.

Interested candidates should submit the following documents: a scanned copy of your ID card or passport, a resume (preferably in Europass format), and a signed mobility agreement* (for the University of Huelva, University of Malaga, and University of Zagreb)[1].

*Applications will be accepted until November 10th at 19:00 for the University of Huelva and the University of Malaga.

The application deadline for all other universities participating in the call is November 15 at 19:00.

For additional information, please contact the International Relations Office:

76 Guramishvili Avenue, Room 317

Tel: (995) 322 000 171 (Ext. 147)

[1] Please contact the dean at European University to sign the document. To obtain a signature from the host university, the candidate must identify the appropriate contact person responsible for the signature.