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Winner of EU Travel Grant Announced


Alikya Chipurupalli, a student of the EU Faculty of Medicine has been chosen as a winner of European University travel grant for the students of EU program of medicine for 68th IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting, which will take place from 1st to 7th March 2019 on the Slovenian coast.

The meeting is one of the major events for medical students all over the world and unites members of IFMSA on various important issues.

The selection process included examination of relevance of the accepted documents and information to the competition requirements by the designated commission of European University.

The criteria to assess the documents were:

• High-Grade Point Average (GPA) – 60 % share in assessing the candidate’s performance
• Participation in academic activities (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.) – 30 %
• Participation in extracurricular activities (tutoring, participation in a pilot program, taking part in organizational arrangements, etc.) – 10 %.

European University is going to continue its support for its students and personnel.