Medical Faculty of European University announces The Fifth Student Conference

Medical Faculty of European University announces The Sixth Student Conference

Conference will be held on June 3, 2019. Time - 10 am.

For those willing to participate in the conference:
The registration form must be filled from May
8 to May 21;  

Registration link

Send the conference topics to the email address until May 28

All participants of the conference will be awarded with certificates.

Guidelines for the papers presented:
Article (3 - 5 pages), el-version.

Title (Times New Roman= 14 / B),

Authors and the name of the university (= 12)

Author's email addresses

Abstract, keywords (no more that 250 words).

1. Introduction. 2. The main part. 3. Conclusion, 4. References

Summary (150 words).

Technical requirements: MS Word, A4-format. fields 2.5 cm, text=11, distance between lines = 1.15), Graphical material JPG, GIF and BMP.

Conference participants will be evaluated according the following:

1.    Using scientific literature and correct citation of the references -5 points

2.    Defending the standard structure of the scientific paper-5 points

3.     The importance of the research topic / issue,  research nnovelty and innovation,formulation of research problem - 10 points

4.     The research objectives - 10 points

5.     Research Methodology - 10 points

6.     Conclusion. Scientific value of research results and / or potential practical application of research results - 10 points

 Total score 50, those who will gain 41 and more points will participate in Fifth International Students Conference and will be awarded with certificates and special prizes.

Address :  Guramishvili Avenue 76. Conference Room N 506


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