Faculty of Business and Technology News, International Relations News

Students of the Faculty of Business and Technology will undergo Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program in Belgium

The competition results of the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Degree Program Activity announced for the students of the Faculty of Business and Technology at the “European University” are known.

On November 24–30, selected students will undergo a fully funded one-week training-type mobility at the PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Hasselt, Belgium):

  • Nika Sokhashvili
  • Lado Megrelidze
  • Lela Kurshavishvili
  • Shota Kebuladze
  • Diana Mikeladze
  • Nika Tchitava
  • Tekle Chkheidze
  • Luka Morbedadze
  • Kakha Putkaradze
  • Vaniko Geladze

The training includes a series of lectures on artificial intelligence. As part of the training, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about how machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) are changing the way we communicate and learn.

The program includes both lectures and interactive seminars, field trips and cultural events.