Other News

Registrations are now open for the second meeting of the “Innovative STEAM Education” of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators


Starting in 2024, the European University in the partnership with STEPS is supporting European Training Foundation in the development of ETF Community of Innovative Educators.

ETF Community of Innovative Educators is founded by the European Training Foundation with the aim to foster the promotion, discussion and adoption of innovative teaching and learning practices among teachers, trainers and other education professionals, with the mission to empower innovative educators to help each another innovate.

In 2024, the Community started a new initiative: New Learning Clubs, which are groups of educators, managers and experts from different countries who work on a specific theme related to learning innovation for a defined period of time.

After the successful launch of the ETF STEAM Club, we would like to invite you to the second online meeting, that will be held on 30th May 2024 at 14:00 (CET).

Please register at the event to get the Zoom link to participate, and set it on your calendar!

For more information, take a look at the ETF New Learning Club on Innovative STEAM education Open Space page.

We remain at your disposal for more information: etf.educators@eu.edu.ge; etf.educators-community@stepseurope.it and Community LinkedIN