Daugavpils University Professor Imparts Knowledge on Social Entrepreneurship to European University Academic Staff

Professor Inta Ostrovska from Daugavpils University (Latvia) delivered an insightful lecture on „Entrepreneurship and its Importance in the Development of Society and the Region“ to the academic staff of European University on June 13, 2023.

This lecture, held within the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program, provided a platform for knowledge exchange and professional development among colleagues.

The session sparked engaging discussions and offered a unique opportunity for European University academic staff to deepen their understanding of social entrepreneurship principles. Professor Ostrovska’s expertise and insights enriched the participants’ knowledge and inspired innovative approaches to address societal challenges.

This collaborative initiative between Daugavpils University and European University exemplifies the significance of sharing experiences and expertise among colleagues. Such exchanges foster a vibrant intellectual community and contribute to the overall growth and advancement of the academic field.

The ongoing collaboration between the two universities within the Erasmus+ program highlights their commitment to promoting continuous learning, professional development, and the enhancement of educational quality.

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