The final results of the student self-government elections at the European University are known

Student self-government elections at European University have ended

On December 12, 2022, transparent and fair electronic elections of student self-government were held at the European University.

In the process of selecting student candidates, In total 441 students from the European University participated.

As a result of the elections, the quotas among the candidates were equally distributed to all faculties.

Electing the President and Vice President of the Student Self-Government will also be electronic, according to the protocol established by the rules of electronic elections of the European University.

The election of the president and vice-president of the student self-government was conducted according to the protocol established by the "European University" electronic election rules.

As a result of voting, the President of the self-government was identified - Kakha Putkaradze, a student of the Faculty of Law, Education, Business and Technology.

The vice-President of the self-government became Mariam Giorgadze, a student of the Faculty of Medicine.

Before the election of the President and Vice-President, the Service Center met with the new members of the Student Self-Government and introduced the existing statute of Self-Government.

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