Anastasiya Ekonomou will present the report at the II International Conference "Education, Technologies, and Innovation"

Anastasia Economou will be another keynote speaker for the second international conference "Education, Technology, and Innovation".

The topic of her report will be: SELFIEforTEACHERS: a self-reflection tool to support teachers professional growth”.

Anastasia Economou works at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. She leads SELFIEforTEACHERS, the self-reflection tool based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators and the DigCompEdu project.

In her previous position at the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, she led several projects on teachers' professional development and digital technologies for teaching and learning.

She received her BSc in Education from Boston University in 1993, her Master´s degree in Educational Technology from Arizona State University in 1994 and her MBA from the University of Cyprus in 2008.

To register as a presenter at the conference, please submit an abstract no later than November 15.

For registration:

About the conference:

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