Students of "European University" completed "The Third Way Project" certificate course modules

Students, academic and administrative staff of "European University" completed "The Third Way Project" certificate course modules

Students and academic/administrative staff of "European University" completed "The Third Way Project" online certificate course modules, developed within the framework of a Key Action 2 Erasmus project funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

"Third Way Project" offers 8 different learning modules, such as: Financial Management, Funding and Tendering, Governance and Leadership, Impact Management, Management and Leadership, Marketing and social media, Project Management and Starting up your Business.

It is worth noting that within the framework of the program, students and academic/administrative staff of "European University" successfully completed a number of interesting modules and were awarded a total of 40 certificates.

The offer is ongoing, thus, more and more students and academic/administrative staff members will have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the above-mentioned fields.

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