Faculty of Medicine of European University Becomes a Member of ADEE

The Faculty of Medicine of European University has become an institutional member of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).

The benefits of the institutional membership for our students and staff of Georgian and English dental medicine programs are as follows:

  • Participation in the only pan-European dental education network.
  • Full institutional access (all staff and students) to the European Journal of Dental Education.
  • Greatly reduced attendance fee at ADEE annual meeting and events for the staff and students.
  • Participation in Special Interest Groups, workshops, and task force activities.
  • Access to ADEE Executive Committee and other expert panels.
  • Involvement in decision-making through questionnaires and consultation processes.
  • Regular updates and participation in updates in the field of academic dentistry at a European level.
  • Use of ADEE member School logo for promotional and recruitment activities.
  • Assess to ADEE best practice guidance and quality improvement activities.

Staff and students of the Dental Medicine program at European University will have an opportunity to participate in the academic activities of ADEE and access other educational resources as well. 

The organization was founded in 1975 as an independent European organization representing academic dentistry and the community of dental educators. Since then, the organization has been playing an essential role in improving the quality of education, advancing dental educators' professional development, and supporting research in the education and training of oral health personnel.

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