The European University Master's Degree Program in Management has received unconditional accreditation

According to the decision of the Accreditation Council for Educational Programs, the European University Master's Degree Program in Management has received unconditional accreditation in Management for a period of 7 years.

According to Sophio Khundadze, Vice-Rector for Quality Development at the European University, the program is important because the demand for it has increased significantly in recent years:

"In the face of growing influence from the outside world, it is a vital task for any business or organization to carry out governance processes in a competent manner and make full use of the capabilities of modern management. Qualified management necessary for the organization's successful operation requires the training of highly qualified management personnel who are aware of modern management methods. The European University Master's Degree Program in Management serves to train qualified personnel who, with the necessary theoretical knowledge, have the ability to analyze current events and processes in global business and can make optimal decisions, at the same time, they are aware of the social responsibility of the business - to plan and implement work processes so that they are in the interests of both the organization and the public”.

European University has completed the accreditation/authorization process with current and new programs in recent months.


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