European University Journal “Law and World” has become a distinguished member of the DOAJ

European University Journal of ” Law and World” became a distinguished member of the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) - it was awarded the DOAJ SEAL.

This success accounts for only 10% of the indexed journals at DOAJ, which is an acknowledgment of the journal's best practices within open access publishing.

The issue of awarding the Doaji seal is assessed on the basis of the following criteria: Review of journal policy and copyright in the light of current changes in science, constant use of article identifiers, sustainability of the journal, international visibility, and long-term preservation of journal articles.

DOAJ was founded in 2003 at Lund University in Sweden. It currently incorporates up to 10,000 highly rated open access journals worldwide and is the largest platform for all types of scientific information seekers.

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