The award ceremony of the winners of the essay competition was held at the European University

The award ceremony of the essay competition organized by the University and the Embassy of France was held at the European University.

The competition on the topic "Georgia's European Future" was held within the framework of "Europe Days 2021" and it was attended by 11th-12th grade pupils from both private and public schools throughout Georgia, from almost all regions.

The competition aimed to popularize European values and raise awareness among students about the European integration process, the importance of Georgia's rapprochement with the European family, and the understanding of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law as European values.

With the involvement of a specially invited commission, the winners were announced, who were awarded prizes by the European University:

I place - electric scooter (For promoting a healthy life)
II place - laptop (to facilitate distance learning);
III place - camera (discover Europe with your lens).

As part of the competition, the French Embassy also identified the selected contestants who will spend one day at the French Embassy.

Today, the Ambassador of France to Georgia, Diego Colas, was awarded the title of Honorary Doctor of the European University.

The event was musically arranged by a French Composers' Association member, composer, pianist - Nika Nikvashvili, soprano - Mariam Roinishvili, and Zakaria Paliashvili’s Opera and Ballet Orchestra with a Tbilisi chamber ensemble.
The award ceremony was led by musician and TV presenter Elene Kalandadze.

Due to the pandemic situation, the event was held in compliance with Covid regulations and was attended by ambassadors of EU member states, representatives of the Ministry of Education, and the heads of European universities.

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