The results of the student selection competition for international mobility are revealed

The results of the student selection competition for international academic mobility are already available.

As a result, 3 students have been selected. Tuition fee at the Host University as well as travel and subsistence costs will be fully covered by European University.

The following scholarships were awarded to:

  • Manana Tkemaladze (Tourism Administration Program)
  • Giorgi Lotishvili (International Relations Program)
  • Lana Navrozashvili (Law Program)

Winners can choose from the following host universities:

Tourism Administration Program - University of Applied Sciences of Burgenland (Austria) or Varna University of Management (Bulgaria)

International Relations Program - Vistula University (Poland) or WSB University of Dabrowa Gornicza (Poland)

Law Program - University of Malaga (Spain) or Vistula University (Poland)

International Relations Office of European University congratulates the winning students and wishes them success!

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