Medical Faculty of European University announces The Sixth Student Conference

Medical Faculty of European University announces The Sixth Student Conference

Conference will be held on June 1, 2019.

For those willing to participate in the conference:

Send the conference topic title and supervisor's full name to the email address until May 21.

Send full article to the email address until May 28.

All participants of the conference will be awarded with certificates.

Guidelines for the papers presented:
Article (3 - 5 pages), el-version.

Title (Times New Roman= 14 / B),

Authors and the name of the university (= 12)

Author's email addresses

Abstract, keywords (no more that 250 words).

1. Introduction. 2. The main part. 3. Conclusion, 4. References

Summary (150 words).

Technical requirements: MS Word, A4-format. fields 2.5 cm, text=11, distance between lines = 1.15), Graphical material JPG, GIF and BMP.

Conference participants will be evaluated according the following:

1.    Using scientific literature and correct citation of the references -5 points

2.    Defending the standard structure of the scientific paper-5 points

3.  The importance of the research topic / issue,  research nnovelty and innovation,formulation of research problem - 10 points

4.     The research objectives - 10 points

5.     Research Methodology - 10 points

6.  Conclusion. Scientific value of research results and / or potential practical application of research results - 10 points

Total score 50, those who will gain 41 and more points will participate in Fifth International Students Conference and will be awarded with certificates and special prizes.


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