Faculty of Medicine News, News of the center for the promotion of scientific and research activities

A presentation of a monograph prepared under a grant from the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia took place at the European University

A presentation of the monograph “Teaching of Clinical Skills in Medicine” was held at the European University. This monograph was prepared within the framework of “Scientific publication grants” of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia and published with co-financing from the European University.

The presentation was attended by scientific and invited staff. Head of the project, Professor Natia Jojua, opened the event after which the authors Professor Tinatin Gognadze, Professor Larisa Melia and Lasha Dolidze presented the content of the monograph and its significance.

Co-authors of the work are the professors of European University David Malidze, David Elgandashvili, Shorena Tsiklauri and Maya Jabua.

The electronic version of the monograph is available on the website of the European University and in the database of the European University electronic library. The printed version was sent to the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, National scientific library and to higher educational institutions implementing the Georgian-language Medical Doctor program in Tbilisi and the regions.