Quality Assurance News

The Vice-Rector of European University attended the “European Quality Assurance Forum 2023”

From November 23 to 25, Sopio Khundadze, “European University” ViceRector for quality enhancement, participated in the “European Quality Assurance Forum 2023” in Aveiro, Portugal.

This year’s Forum, hosted by the University of Aveiro, entitled “Internationalisation in a changing world. New trends and challenges for QA” combined sessions about European policies and trends, research, and practical case examples related to the Forum theme and more generally about current developments in quality assurance.

In 2023, the forum brought together rectors and vice-rectors responsible for QA, QA officers in higher education institutions, students, QA agency staff and researchers working in higher education or the QA field.

The European Quality Assurance Forum (EQAF) provides a platform for discussion, professional development and exchange of experiences among the main stakeholders in quality assurance (QA).