Quality Assurance Service
About Service
The functions of the quality service are:
- Development of effective and transparent mechanisms for evaluating the university's activities; implementation of internal quality assurance mechanisms; leadership of external quality assurance processes.
- Evaluating the compliance of the university/educational programs with the requirements established by the authorization/accreditation standards; developing recommendations and cooperating with the relevant structural units.
- Introduction of quality culture in the university.

- Nino Gatchava
- Head of the Quality Assurance Service
- 2 000 171 (128)
- nino.gatchava@eu.edu.ge

- Elene Chokuri
- Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Law, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- 2 000 171 (146)
- elene.chokuri@eu.edu.ge

- Mariam Silagava
- Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Medicine
- 2 000 171 (143)
- mariam.silagava@eu.edu.ge

- Mariam Gelashvili
- Quality Assurance Manager of the Faculty of Business and Technologies
- 2 000 171 (152)
- mariam.gelashvili@eu.edu.ge