International Relations News



European University is a participant of the project “Bologna Hub Peer Support”. The project aims at fostering the implementation of the Bologna key commitments and the application of the Bologna tools at higher education institutions throughout the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The project implicates sharing the challenges and experiences of higher education institutions with the involvement of international experts.

The project includes workshops and visits with the participation of the following international experts: Dr. Yelena Istileulova and Dr. Olaf Bartz. Dr. Istileulova´s works at the University of Maribor in the „Innovative Learning & Teaching for Quality Carrier of Graduates & for an Excellent Higher Education“section. Furthermore, she is an external expert for the European Commission on capacity building and innovations projects. Dr. Bartz is Managing Director of the German Accreditation Council. He possesses in-depth expertise in the fields of “Implementation of the three-cycle Bachelor-Master-Doctorate degree structure” and  “Quality assurance in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area”.

Experts will evaluate the European University in the following three areas: Quality Assurance, Innovative approaches to learning and teaching, Implementation of the three-cycle structure. The first working meeting of international experts and university representatives was remotely held on May 19, 2021. The next meeting is scheduled again remotely in September 2021. During the visit, the experts will meet with the representatives of the university. After the interviews and reviewing documentation, the experts will develop recommendations to improve the above-mentioned areas of the university. The next visit, which will take place in 2022, will evaluate the process of consideration and implementation of the recommendations by the European University.