International Relations News

Head of the International Relations Office of European University visited the partner higher educational institution Par University College

Head of the European University International Relations Office, Tatia Dolidze, visited the partner higher educational institution, Par University College, in Croatia.

The visit was carried out within the Erasmus+ program, for the purpose of training the mobility of administrative staff. At Par University College, Tatia Dolidze got acquainted with the daily work of the International Relations Office, internationalization activities and the practice of organizing International Week. Ms Dolidze has deepened the existing and established new partnership relations with the representatives of the Par University College and other foreign colleagues represented.

It should be noted that Par University College is the first partner of the European University in Croatia. In total, on the basis of memoranda, the European University currently partners with 66 universities in 27 countries and is cooperating with dozens of other foreign universities within various international programs and projects.