International Relations News

New University Professor Delivered a Lecture on Human Dignity and Right to Life at European University


21 მაისს „ახალი უნივერსიტეტის“ (სლოვენია) პროფესორი “ევროპის უნივერსიტეტში” ლექციას „ადამიანის ღირსება და ცხოვრების უფლება“ გაუძღვა.

As part of the Erasmus+ program, Prof. Jernej Letnar Černic from the “New University” in Slovenia visited the European University to present a lecture entitled: “The Right to Human Dignity and the Right to Life.”

The event, attended by students and faculty alike, highlighted the fundamental principles and legal frameworks that protect human dignity and the right to life across different jurisdictions.

This cross-university collaboration under the Erasmus+ program underscores the commitment to academic exchange and the promotion of human rights education.