International Relations News



European University announces a call for students to participate in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program in 7 different countries across Europe for students (13 quotas) currently enrolled at the institution.

As part of the Erasmus+ ICM Program, students participating in the competition will be fully funded for their travel expenses and tuition fees at the host university. They will also receive a monthly stipend.

Students participating in the mobility program must have active student status at European University. In order to maintain the active status, the student must pay the semester fee at European University calculated according to the number of ECTS credits agreed to be recognized before the mobility.

Partner universities in Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Belgium, Greece and Poland will host Georgian students under the following conditions:


Host University: New University, Slovenia
Target Audience: Business Administration (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €800, travel expenses of €360
Quota: 2
Link for Registration


Host University: Comenius University, Slovakia
Target Audience: Law (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €800, travel expenses of €360
Quota: 2
Link for Registration


Host University: St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Target Audience: Psychology and Informatics (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €800, travel expenses of €275
Quota: 4 (2 – Informatics; 2 – Psychology)
Link for Registration


Host University: Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey
Target Audience: Georgian-taught One-Cycle Medical Doctor program
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25

Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €800, travel expenses of €275
Quota: 1
Link for Registration


Host University: PXL University, Belgium
Target Audience: Tourism (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €850, travel expenses of €530
Quota: 2
Link for Registration


Host University: Pantheon University, Greece
Target audience: International Relations (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €850, travel expenses of €275
Quota: 1
Link for Registration


Host University: WSB University, Poland
Target audience: International Relations (BA Students)
Duration of Mobility: Autumn Semester 2024-25
Scholarship Offer: Monthly stipend of €800, travel expenses of €360
Quota: 1
Link for Registration

Selection procedures will be conducted online through Zoom and Moodle platforms according to the Rule on Participation in the International Mobility Program.

 1.       Examination to test the student’s competency in English Language – B2 Level (March 15, 17:30)

(!) Students who are able to represent the certification as the proof of their competency for the B2 Level of English Language, will be released from required examination and will be automatically advanced to the next stage of selection process.

In relevance of CEFR standard the represented certification should correspond to the B2 level of English Language competency with the minimum score of: IELTS 5.5; Toefl iBT 72; Toefl PBT 543; Cambridge English Scale Score for B2 First (FCE) 160.

2.       Interview in English – (March 27, 11:00)

The interview will be conducted online through the Zoom platform.

Main criteria for the assessment:

  •      Motivation in terms of academic development
  •       Motivation in terms of professional development
  •       Motivation in terms of personal development

The interested prospective participant should complete the relevant registration form by March 10, 12:00 PM.

The Erasmus+ Mobility Manager will conduct the informational session on March 6, 15:00.

Additional information regarding the informational session will be sent to the students via email.

On March 29, the commission will identify the 13 students with the highest scores from the competition for admission to the 7 host universities.

In case of questions, contact the International Relations Office at