Faculty of Medicine News

Representatives of SWAROVSKI OPTIK will hold a meeting with students of the European University

On October 24, at 11:00 AM, representatives of SWAROVSKI OPTIK, developer and manufacturer of the highest precision long-range optical devices in stomatology, will meet with European University students.

As the world‘s leading manufacturer, SWAROVSKI OPTIK combines future-oriented industrial technologies with the ultimate in craftsmanship. Swarovski binoculars, telescopes, telescopic tubes, and optronic devices are the tools of choice among the most discerning users worldwide.

Modern dentistry is unimaginable without magnifying devices. Treatment using optics allows us to make an accurate diagnosis, and to find such nuances that cannot be seen with the naked eye but is crucial for further correct treatment of the tooth.

The lecture and demonstration will be held at European University Medical Campus: Sarajishvili St. 17, room 507.

Working language: English (If necessary simultaneous translation to Georgian language will be provided).

Attendance is free for European University students.