International Relations News



“Our country is not only a collaborator of European civilization and culture, but also one of the creators, and its goal is to return to the common European family,” -The chairman of the Parliament of Georgia stated about it during the meeting with the students at the “European University”.

A public lecture-discussion with students was held within the framework of the EU Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet module “Europeanization as an instrument of democratization of Georgia”.

“The Association Agreement has involved Europe on a large scale in our lives and we see in all areas the importance that the EU has acquired. This seems to be the case in parliamentary life as well. When we talk about the Association Agreement, you know that this process is a process of approximation of Georgian legislation and regulations, and you have probably heard that 45% of the Association Agreement has already been fulfilled, which is a proud indicator. “Among them, the parliament of our convocation was able to pass several laws – we adopted a new law on entrepreneurs, the law on consumer protection, and so on, which have established a European standard in various areas,” – said the chairman.

Speaking about Georgia’s application for EU membership, Shalva Papuashvili focused on the ongoing Russian military aggression in Ukraine.

He said that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine had shown the EU the importance of its role in a new way.

“The aggression we have seen from Russia against Ukraine, and we are still witnessing it, has shown many different things to the EU itself, including its role in Europe, in the security system, in all other areas that are politically and geopolitically important. This war pushed us to rethink a lot. Georgia endured Russian aggression in the 1990s, and more recently, in 2008 as well. Till today, the 2008 war has been the subject of condemnation from Europe, however, we have seen that at that time, unfortunately, it was not yet fully understood what we were dealing with. This brought us to 2014 and, ultimately, to 2022. This changed situation has put the EU in a position where it seems understandable that more and more clear, direct, and unambiguous steps are needed for the three countries that have signed the Association Agreements with the EU. I think now is the time for the EU to make bold and clear decisions and show its solidarity with Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine because all three countries are constantly the object of Russian aggression”.

According to objective assessments, today Georgia meets the requirements of the candidate. “Our homework and task is to be ready when NATO and the European Union will be ready for a political decision,” Papuashvili said.

In addition, Shalva Papuashvili informed the students about the agenda and future plans of the country’s highest legislative body.

The Chairman of the Parliament also answered the students questions about Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and the situation in the region.

Shalva Papuashvili was addressed by Alexandra Yanchuk, a Ukrainian student who came to Tbilisi from Khmelnytsky National University after the war and is studying at the European University.

“I want to thank you for focusing on Ukraine and thank you for being in Ukraine. Today is the 100th day since Russia started the war and it is important to raise this issue because people have forgotten what is happening now in Ukraine, which has no end in sight. I would also like to thank the European University for accepting me and helping me through such a difficult time. I would also like to thank all Georgians who are fighting for Ukraine. My father is also a soldier and still fights. Thanks to all Georgians who help Ukraine in different ways. “I hope and believe that Ukraine will win and both countries – Ukraine and Georgia – will soon become a member of the European Union,” said the Ukrainian student.

After the meeting, the chairman of the Parliament personally addressed the Ukrainian students of the European University.

Shalva Papuashvili visited the Archaeological Museum located at the “European University” and at the end of the meeting invited the students to the Parliament of Georgia.