The Student and Alumni Service Center News



The Student and Alumni Service Center of European University, together with Student Self-Government, has announced a competition for student projects.

• Theme of student project applications: innovative, scientific-research, cognitive.

• Number of funded student projects: 1 (one)

• Student project budget: 2000 GEL

Terms and conditions/requirements of the competition and documentation to be submitted:

1. A student with an active status of the University or a student initiative group is authorized to submit a competitive application.

2. In order to obtain funding for a project, the student/student initiative group is required to submit the information required in accordance with Appendix № 1 of the Rule of Funding for Student Projects of European University Ltd. and the autobiography (cv) of an author (s)of the project.

Registration of student projects is done electronically by submitting a project application (appendix №1) to the email address:

Assessment criteria:

Project description

– The goal of the project is clearly defined

– It is clear that the student (s) are interested in the issues presented in the project 0-2

Relevance of the project

– The relevance of the project is clearly substantiated in the project 0-2

Expected Outcomes:

– The outcomes are described clearly and in detail 0-2

Creativity 0-1

– The project is creative

The budget of the project 0-2

– Expenses envisaged by the project are presented clearly, in detail and realistically – Expenses written in the budget are in line with the activities envisaged by the project.

Presentation of the Project 0-1

The student clearly presented the purpose of the project to the commission

The Commission is authorized to make the following decision:

• On full funding of the project;

• On partial funding of the project;

• On refusal to fund the project.

In order to qualify for the 2nd stage of the competition, the project must accumulate at least 7 (seven) points. If several applications are submitted, the project with the highest score is the winner. Based on the content of the submitted projects, the Commission is authorized to apply to the Rector with a substantiated request for funding of the second project.

Dates and stages of the conducting of the competition:

• June 3 – June 13: Receipt of applications;

• June 16: Checking the compliance of the project submitted by the contestants with the requirements set by the application of the competition;

• June 21: Review of the project by the commission and its submission to the commission by the initiative group of the author/authors of the Project;

• June 23: Publication of the competition results;

• June 24-28: Appeal.

The student (s) is authorized to apply to the Student and Alumni Center and the Student Self-Government for consultation on the issues related to the student project submission.

 Contact information:

  • Address: Tbilisi, Sarajishvili  N17; D.Guramishvili ave. N76.
  • Email:
  • Tel: 032 2000 171 (134)
  • Detailed information about the project application can be found in the attached file: Appendix N1