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The Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Georgia Mikheil Chkhenkeli together with the President of the University Lasha Kandelakishvili and the Rector Nino Taliashvili, the Hall of the Constitution of Georgia was officially opened at the European University.

The opening of the hall was attended by the Vice-Rectors of the University and the program leaders.

“I am very happy that everything is organized at a very high level in terms of academics and infrastructure at European University. Today we opened a hall for mock courts, visited the Archaeological Museum, as well as the Faculty of Medicine. The university has all the conditions for students to study. It is also very interesting that there is a high level of scientific research activity. “When students return to the auditorium, all the conditions are met in terms of the medical protocol to continue the learning process in a safe environment,” – said Mikheil Chkhenkeli.

European University is implementing the project “The Constitution of Georgia is 100 years old”. 2021 has been declared the Year of the Constitution of Georgia and various events have been planned within the framework of the 100th anniversary, including the opening of the Hall of the Constitution of Georgia at the European University. We have also created an electronic platform, where we have posted videos that will touch upon the Constitution of Georgia and serve its popularization in the general public,” said Nino Taliashvili, Rector of the University.

Mikhail Chkhenkeli also visited the Archaeological Museum at the European University, where artifacts found at different times from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Middle Ages are collected. The Minister also visited the medical corps, where laboratories and simulation centers in accordance with modern standards are located.

The presentation of the Constitution Hall is part of a larger project being implemented by European University. The project “The Constitution of Georgia is 100 years old” introduced to the public people whose main or turning point in their lives, creative or political freedom, democratic values, and choices, were defined by the Constitution.

European University has declared 2021 the Year of the Constitution, which once again emphasizes the importance, knowledge, and respect of the Constitution for any citizen of Georgia.

It should be noted that in addition to the archival photos, the presentation wall contains important fragments of the constitution, which from 1921 to the present has had a special influence on the process of state perfection.