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On December 2, Mikheil Bichia, Associate Professor of the same University, delivered a public lecture on “Theoretical-Practical Aspects of Unlimited Enrichment (Mostly in the Conduct of Performance)” at the European University.

Initially, the essence and basic features of unfounded enrichment were defined, then forms of performance conditioning were identified, problems related to theory and practice. The speaker introduced to the audience a uniform court practice on performance conditioning and differing opinions on certain issues. Several cases from judicial practice were also discussed here.

The lecture was attended by students of both European University and Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and SDASU, as well as practicing lawyers. There were some interesting questions that were answered thoroughly. The ways to solve the problems raised were finally determined.

Mikheil Bichia is a Doctor of Law, since 2010 he has been conducting scientific-pedagogical activities in various higher education institutions. She has been working with the European University since 2016.