Other News



On November 29, Tbilisi State University hosted the 3rd International Symposium of Young Scientists in the Humanities.

Representatives of the European University – Co-Rapporteurs – Lolita Shengelia, Head of the Research Support Center, and Mariam Kilanava, Head of the European University’s Modern Teaching Training Center, also delivered speeches at the three-day symposium and also an Associate Professor at the European University – Rusudan Gogokhia.

Representatives of the European University presented reports of research carried out by different levels of foreign language groups at the European University. The research mainly focused on improving English language productivity through innovative methods.

The topics of the report were European University representatives – integrating aspects of life into foreign language learning through problem-based learning and the role of social media in foreign language learning. It is planned to publish a symposium of speakers’ reports.

The University of Europe is actively involved in such events, which is manifested through frequent participation in international conferences or symposia of its staff.