Faculty of Medicine News



European University announces a contest for the position of the Tutor for the fall semester, 2019-20 Academic year.

To take the position of a tutor, the student must meet the following requirements:
a) High scores;
b) Good skills to communicate with students, administrative and academic / invited personnel as well as external persons, regardless of their ethnic, religious or linguistic origin;
c) Skills of leadership, solving problems and timely making of decision, identification of student needs and quick response to them;
d) Good interpersonal skills with respect to administrative and academic personnel and students, abilities of internal and external relationships;
e) Well-developed culture of writing; Knowledge of various social and media facilities (e-mail, networks, etc.);
f) The ability of teamwork, active involvement in meetings;
g) Being well-organized, high motivation, high sense of responsibility;
h) Ability to provide constructive feedback;
i) Ability to work independently;
j) Willingness to participate in seminars and trainings.

Criteria for selection:
At the position of the tutor, will be appointed a student who:
– Has an active student status;
– Has gained at least 60 credits;
– Has a high rating (GPA);
– Is motivated to be a tutor.

In order to participate in the contest student must send following documents:
a)    Motivation letter,
b)    CV
c)    2 recommendation letters: one from one of her/his lecturers and another from the manager of learning process management of the medical faculty.

Documents must be sent only in the electronic form to the email: studentinfo@eu.edu.ge
Deadline for the submission of the documents is 18:00, 12th of November, 2019.