Faculty of Medicine News



European University announces a contest for the positions of the Lecturer’s Assistant for the fall semester, 2019-20 academic year.

To take the position of a lecturer’s assistant, the student should meet the following requirements:
a) Good knowledge of the subject / high scores;
b) Good skills to communication with students, administrative and academic / invited personnel as well as external persons, regardless of their ethnic, religious or linguistic origin;
c) Skills of leadership, solving problems and timely making of decision, identification of student needs and quick response to them;
d) Good interpersonal skills with respect to administrative and academic personnel and students,abilities of internal and external relationships;
e) Well-developed culture of writing; Knowledge of various social and media facilities (e-mail, networks, etc.);
f) The ability of teamwork, active involvement in meetings;
g) Being well-organized, high motivation, high sense of responsibility;
h) Ability to provide constructive feedback;
i) Ability to work independently;
j) Willingness to participate in seminars and trainings.

Criteria for selection:
At the position of the assistant of the lecturer, will be appointed a student who:
– Has an active student status;
– Has gained at least 60 credits;
– Has a high rating in the relevant subject;
– Is motivated to fulfill the duties of a lecturer’s assistant

In order to participate in the contest student must send following documents:
a)    Motivation letter,
b)    CV
c)    2 recommendation letters : one from the lecturer of the corresponding teaching course and another from the  manager of learning process management of the medical faculty.

Documents must be sent only in the electronic form to the email: studentinfo@eu.edu.ge
Deadline for the submission of the documents is 18:00, 12th of November, 2019.